Guidance on undertaking local gambling risk assessments

Health and safety guidance for research undertaken in… The risk assessment and safety guidance should be reviewed at the end of the research and good practice recorded for future projects and within the· Consider arriving early to familiarise self with area, local amenities and public places, make self visible, plan escape routes, note location of phone...

National Risk Assessment of Money Laundering and the. Financing of Terrorism. Cabinet Office Oik Coonceil ny Shirveishee.The World Bank team's role was limited to delivery of the tool; providing guidance on technical aspects of it and review and feedback to assist with the accurate use of it. Notes on Customer risk assessments This guidance note is intended to provide some further information in relation to undertaking customer risk assessments. This document is written toA customer risk assessment must be undertaken by a regulated entity prior to the establishment of a business relationship or carrying out an occasional... Safety Services Guidance Dynamic risk assessments; generic risk assessments; risk management; supervision; Target audience: Anyone involved in carrying out risk assessments, monitoringSafety Services Guidance Version 1.4. Lead Contact: Catherine Davidge. Generic and dynamic risk assessments in practice.

A. Risk assessments; B. Due diligence and selection of service providers; C. Contract provisions and considerationsRisk assessment of a business activity and the implications of performing the activity in-house or having the activity performed by a service provider are fundamental to the decision of...

Committee Report Template - profile to take account of such risk and features which may affect the licensing objectives. This has resulted in the production of two documents: The Gambling Local Area Profile – Spatial Analysis Report Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessments 10. The above documents can be seen as Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 respectively. STATEMENT OF GAMBLING POLICY - Local Risk Assessments 4.1 The Gambling Commission’s Licence Conditions and Code of Practice (LCCP) which were revised and published in February 2015 formalised the need for Operators to consider local risks. 4.2 The Social Responsibility (SR) code requires licensees to assess the local risk to National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment FATF Guidance 4 2013 1. INTRODUCTION & TERMINOLOGY 1.1 Purpose, scope and status of this guidance 1. Identifying, assessing, and understanding risks is an essential part of the ML/TF implementation and development of a national anti-money laundering / countering the financing of Cambridge City Council Licensing and Enforcement Team Direct ...


Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessments City of London Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessment page 6 of 19 January 2019 3. Risk assessment triggers 3.1 The local risk assessment code provisions provide a number of triggers for when a new assessment is required and for when an existing one requires review. Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessments assist gambling operators in undertaking and preparing their local (premises) risk assessments. This guidance provides a framework for the local risk assessment process that will provide a uniform approach across all non- remote gambling sectors. This will benefit the Council as Licensing Authority

City of London Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessment page 4 of 19 January 2018 1.7 This local risk assessment process is not the same as other forms of risk assessment undertaken by gambling operators, such as Health and Safety at Work, Fire Safety and Food Hygiene, etc. These local risk assessments are

Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessments Contents Page 1. Introduction 4 2. Background 6 3. Risk assessment triggers 9 3.2 New premises 9 3.3 Significant changes in local circumstances 9

Guidance on carrying out service level work-related stress risk assessments as required by our Work-Related Stress Management policy.If individual Faculties, Schools, Departments or Directorates are concerned about “ local” stress levels then they could undertake a work-related stress management...

Local Gambling Risk Assessments . Gambling Act 2005 . Purpose . This document was originally developed by Westminster City Council, in collaboration with Coral Racing Limited. It has been modified by Leeds City Council (the Council) and is published as a guide which gambling operators can use when undertaking and preparing their local risk Local Gambling Risk Assessment - Telford For further guidance on completing this assessment or when this assessment must be reviewed please refer to Gambling Commission Guidance on Undertaking Gambling Local Area Risk Assessments … ‘Local Area Profile’ (Appendix 2) and the ‘Guidance on

Consultation on Westminster City Council’s Guidance on Undertaking Local Gambling Risk Assessments . 12th June 2015 Gambling Act 2005 Draft Gambling Policy Statement and ...